I remember that time...

Telling stories about things we remember helps us all to remember that time, or failing that, learn about something that happened to one of us. And if it happened to one of us, it happened to all of us. Because our memories and our stories define all of us.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

I stole this idea

I am known for my bad memory, and I would give anything to have my memories back. Sometimes when I purposely sit and think about something, the memory will come back. Other times, when someone I know tells a story, it helps me remember. Other times it doesn't - wtf - it's soooooooo frustrating.
So after seeing another bloggers blog where she rambles on about random memories, I thought - I could do that. and even better, why not invite other people who know me to blog stories, too? Then we can each add our comments about what we remember from that occasion. Or, if we weren't there, we'll learn and laugh or cry or comment or not. It doesn't matter. What matters is we'll get a blog that has lots of great stories and that can't be a bad thing can it?

The only rule is the story has to have taken place at least one year earlier than the post date.

What the hell, I think it's a great idea.

and thanks in advance - you rock!

Love, love,


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